Warmth from the edge of the world

Inis Meáin is one of the three Aran Islands that lie on the far edge of Europe, thirty miles off the western shore of Ireland. It’s a place of wild and rugged beauty that has enchanted many a visitor. But to make a living on the island has always called for a spirit of independence, resourcefulness and innovation.

For centuries, the fishermen’s garments have been designed, knitted and woven by the women of the island. Stitches that have evolved through the generations reflect the unique island environment: turbulent, amazing seas and skies, wild flora and labyrinths of stone walls. They are all echoed in the diamonds, cables, tree of life, moss and other patterns.

The Aran Sweater

—How a Local Craft went Global

The great Anglo Irish and Gaelic literary revival of the early 20th century brought many to Inis Meáin in search of the authentic spoken Gaelic language and folk traditions. Among them, playwright J. M. Synge, Douglas Hyde – the first President of Ireland and Lady Augusta Gregory – patron of the arts and mentor to W. B. Yeats.

The new flow of visitors led to a growing appreciation of the creativity of the handcrafted garments and the unique style of the islanders. A cottage industry was born and by the mid-20th century most island women

were supplementing the family income through their knitting work.

Merchants supplying tourist shops around Ireland and Irish interest stores in the USA contracted home-based knitters to supply a growing market. Patterns varied from knitter to knitter – each using their individual stitch combinations. Some of the commissioning merchants introduced innovations such as the use of cashmere and silk yarns, but the basic formula of highly decorated classic shapes was maintained.

The simplicity
and unity of the
dress increases in
another way the
local air of beauty

J. M. Synge

—The Aran Islands, 1911

Inis Meáin
Knitting Company

—Reinventing Tradition

Inis Meáin Knitting Company was founded on the island in 1976 by Tarlach de Blácam and Áine Ní Chonghaile, inspired by the unique spirit, environment and heritage of the place.

Tarlach was a graduate in Celtic Languages from Trinity College Dublin and had gone to Inis Meáin in the late sixties like the previous scholars to immerse himself in the language and culture of the island; Áine was a native of Inis Meáin working as a teacher in Dublin in the early ‘70s. When the pair married in 1973, they were determined to make their home on the island. The only question was how to make a living there.

Tarlach and Áine became involved in a series of development projects aimed at stemming the tide of emigration and providing the permanent work needed to support a sustainable community on Inis Meáin. These included the provision of electricity and running water as well as new harbour and airstrip facilities.

Drawing on the island tradition, Tarlach and Áine went on to equip a small factory with six knitting machines and set about working with young islanders whose mothers knitted at home for the tourist industry. The younger generation were more inclined to emigrate in search of work on the mainland or overseas. Inis Meáin Knitting Company offered regular work in a factory setting, attracting young people who would otherwise have left the island forever.

Today, Inis Meáin Knitting Company continues to delve into the rich knitting heritage of the island for inspiration, reinterpreting traditional stitches and styles in the finest yarns to create beautiful and sophisticated garments for contemporary living.

We are proud to supply our unique, high-quality knitwear to some of the best stores around the world.

Our Knitwear

—Authentic, Sophisticated, Unique

Inis Meáin Knitting Company designs and produces individual, unique pieces of knitwear in the finest yarns, all exquisitely finished by hand. Our range is continually updated with new styles as well as variations on our customers’ old favourites.

We are a very modern company, with a highly-educated, well-trained workforce using the most up-to-date machinery. But how we use our machinery differs from most other companies with the same technology – because we choose not to mass produce. Instead, we specialize in small runs of new styles and we change the settings on our machinery up to several times each day, so that we can produce up to 50 different styles each season.

The authentic heritage, sophisticated design, beautiful yarns and impeccable finishing of Inis Meáin knitwear are appreciated by our customers around the world. Our range of styles continues to evolve as we explore the vast Aran knitting repertoire.


—The classic Aran Sweater

The Aran sweater popularised in the mid-20th century as the “fisherman’s sweater” is in fact based on the highly decorated styles that islanders prized as formal wear for special occasions. Inis Meáin Knitting Company has interpreted and reinvented the traditional designs over the years by introducing a wide range of colours and luxurious yarns – wool, silk, cashmere, alpaca, linen and silk, sourced from mills across Europe and South America.


—Restrained simplicity

As we explored the photographic archives of island life and spoke to the older generation of island knitters, we rediscovered the simpler designs that the women knitted in dark grey and navy for practical, everyday workwear.

These authentic, functional workwear styles had a restrained quality and innate elegance that we found very appealing. We designed a range of new variations in softer, wearable yarns and colours that have found great favour with our customers.

Fishermen wore
simple sweaters, usually
in dark colours

Island Shop Siopa an Oiléain

Opening Times

Every Inis Meáin piece is created here in our Island Workshop. Our team are kept busy all year – designing, knitting, hand-finishing and marketing our knitwear to some of the finest stores, and discerning clients around the world.

Inis Meáin is a quiet island, usually with few visitors, therefore the opening hours of the Island Shop are limited from March to September and it is closed out of season. However it is sometimes possible to arrange a shop appointment, on weekdays in Winter, with advance planning — please email us for further information.

A wide range can also be purchased at any time through our Online Shop.

Tá gach earra cniotála atá ar fáil ag Cniotáil Inis Meáin deartha agus cniotáilte sa mhonarcha anseo ar an oileán. Bíonn an foireann oibre anseo ag cur earraí ar fáil dona siopaí is cáiliúla ar fud an domhain i rith na bliana ar fad.

Is oileán ciúin Inis Meáin de gnáth, mar sin bíonn teorainn leis na h-uaireanta oscailte ó Mhárta go Meán Fómhair, agus bíonn sé dúnta taobh amuigh do seo. Ach is féidir é a oscailt uaireanta sa Gheimhreadh, i rith na seachtaine, ach coinne a bheith déanta roimh ré — cur rphost chughainn má tá tú ag iarraidh fiosrúcháin a dhéanamh le do thoil.

Tá rogha agat freisin raon maith táirgí a cheannacht ag am ar bith sa Siopa Ar Líne.

Opening Times for October 2024 to March 2025

Please email to shop@inismeain.ie in advance for appointment availability.