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Supporting our thriving island community

3rd July 2023

The ancient Irish proverb Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine loosely translates as we live in the shelter of our neighbours. Inis Meáin has the smallest population of the three Aran Islands with around 160 inhabitants. With a team of over 20 people, Inis Meáin Knitwear has been the largest employer on the island for almost fifty years. We are fortunate to be part of, and to support, such a strong, resilient community.

Connectivity of all types is crucial for island living, so we were very proud that a new world record for the longest distance for a wifi signal at sea was recorded from the Wave Station at Inis Meáin last month. We kitted out SeaFi Senior Research Engineer Arnaud Disant and his crew in Inis Meáin knitwear for the challenge.  They sailed south in the specially commissioned Cargo boat, Bláth na Mara, and recorded a new signal record distance of 36.83km without using mobile data or satellite.

Education is also key to maintaining the island’s population and Inis Meáin Knitting Company has been the main sponsor of the annual Inis Iron Meáin Running race since its inception seventeen years ago. This very special run has an exceptionally scenic course through the stunning island landscape and raises vital funds for the island’s secondary school.

The three Aran Islands have always depended on each other, and today that special relationship is being renewed through sport, particularly Cumann Lúthcleas Gael Oileáin Árann, the Aran Islands’ GAA club, playing mainly Gaelic football with Men’s, Women’s and Children’s teams. We are delighted to support this and many other local initiatives every year in proud celebration of our unique and dynamic island community.

Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine